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Feb 23, 2021

How Aging St. Louis Homeowners Can Make Their Homes More Age-Friendly

While aging can certainly bring about some new challenges, there are often great solutions homeowners can put in place to make their homes work for them. Here are a few ideas...
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Feb 15, 2021

Getting Your Chicago Home Market Ready

If you’re in a hurry to sell your Chicago home, there are some important areas to focus on that can help you catch buyers’ attention...
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Feb 15, 2021

Sustainable Swaps for St. Louis Homeowners

If you’re looking to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle in your St. Louis home, there are many sustainable swaps that homeowners can make. Going room by room is a great way for homeowners to scan their current level of eco-friendliness and spot options to improve. Here are just a few ideas...
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Feb 9, 2021

Saving for a Down Payment on Your Des Moines Dream Home

Whether you’re a first-time buyer or someone looking to move into a new home, saving up for a down payment is often a top priority...
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Feb 9, 2021

A Touch of Vintage for Your Chicago Home

Maybe you’re wanting to highlight some of the charming features of an older Chicago home, or perhaps you simply enjoy the retro aesthetic. Whatever the case, adding some vintage flare to your Chicago home can be a fun design option for Chicago homeowners...
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Feb 9, 2021

Laundry Room Upgrade for Your St. Louis Home

If you have a laundry area or room in your St. Louis home, you may be looking for some options to update and upgrade. While doing the laundry may not be the most glamorous chore, it’s one we spend a fair amount of time on, so having a nice space to work in can be beneficial...
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Feb 2, 2021

How to Keep Your Chicago Home Feeling Bright Throughout the Winter

There’s no doubt that the short days and lack of sunlight can make any homeowner feel like their home is a bit dark. And even though we’re now on the upswing towards longer, brighter days, we still have a couple of months of winter to make it through...
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Feb 2, 2021

How St. Louis Homeowners Can Keep it Local This Winter

If you’re a St. Louis homeowner, you probably value the amazing city and community around you...
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Jan 26, 2021

DIY Dos and Don'ts for Des Moines Homeowners

If you’re a Des Moines homeowner ready to get creative with your home, there are countless DIY options, from tiny projects to major updates...
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Jan 26, 2021

Designing a Meditation Space in Your Chicago Home

While one of the best things about meditation is that you don’t need anything and you can do it anywhere, many people find it useful to have a specific space they use just for this purpose...
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Jan 26, 2021

Finance Tips for New St. Louis Homeowners

Owning a home is different than renting in many ways, and getting into the homeowner mindset is important. Here are a few financial tips new homeowners should keep in mind...
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Jan 18, 2021

Tips for Chicago Buyers to Compose the Perfect Offer Letter

So, you’ve found your Chicago dream home, but you have a feeling you might not be the only one. What can you do to help your offer stand out? One great strategy for buyers is to write a letter letting the sellers know why they are so excited about the home...
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