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Aug 3, 2020

Top Websites for Updating Your St. Louis Home

Is your home in need of some updating and are you looking for some inspiration? While you could certainly binge-watch some HGTV or go through all of those home decor magazines, you may need a bit more hands on instructions, as well as some motivation...
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Jul 26, 2020

Taking Your Des Moines Garage to the Next Level

Are you tired of your garage being a catch-all for items that have no space in your home? If you think about it, most garages have quite a bit of usable square footage, so why not make it a functional space for your home improvement projects, hobbies, or a cool spot to hang out with friends or family? Here are a few ideas to take your Des Moines garage to the next level...
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Jul 26, 2020

Selling in Chicago: Key Strategies to Keep in Mind

Are you thinking of selling your Chicago home? Selling and buying real estate tends to be the largest financial transactions most people encounter, so it would make sense to be aware of any potential strategies to ensure you get the most bang for your buck. Here are a few key tips to keep in mind...
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Jul 26, 2020

Top Tips for St. Louis Homeowners with a Pool

It’s important to know that owning a pool requires consistent maintenance. Here are a few tips to ensure that your backyard oasis doesn’t turn into a swamp...
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Jul 19, 2020

5 Tips to Get Your Chicago Home Organized

Do you feel like you’re outgrowing your Chicago home? The actual square footage of your house may not be the issue – you may just need to get organized...
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Jul 19, 2020

House Hunting in St. Louis: Do You Know Your Must-Haves?

Have you started your house hunting search in the St. Louis area? Buying a home can be very exciting and also a bit overwhelming. With so many different properties to choose from, the decision making process can be tough if you aren’t clear on your must-have priorities. It’s best to narrow down those factors that will seal the deal for you and your family so that you can share these with your realtor prior to the house hunt. Here are a few tips to get you started...
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Jul 13, 2020

Top Things Des Moines Sellers Need to Remember When Listing Their Home

The more prepared you are to sell your home, the less stressful the process will be...
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Jul 13, 2020

What Your Chicago Loan Officer Wants You to Know

A professional and seasoned loan officer can help you guide the way, and find a loan program that best suits your needs...
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Jul 13, 2020

Designing an In-Law Space in Your St. Louis Home

Multi-generational living is on the rise in the US – whether it’s to save money, care for an ailing loved one, or to give your children the benefit of formulating a memorable relationship with their relatives, creating an in-law space that meets the needs of all parties is key to making the living situation successful...
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Jul 5, 2020

How to Have a Low-Stress Chicago Move

Have you found the perfect Chicago home and are ready to plan your housewarming party?  Unfortunately, you have to tackle the packing and the moving first. While finding the perfect place can be exciting, the actual packing, cleaning, and moving can be notoriously difficult and stressful. The good news is that there are some ways to streamline the process so that your move will be less stressful...
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Jul 5, 2020

How to Keep Your St. Louis Home Clean When You Have Pets

Owning a pet doesn’t mean your home has to smell like it. With some small changes to your routine, odors can be eliminated and measures can be put into place so that they don’t return. 
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Jun 28, 2020

Could Your Des Moines Home be More Energy Efficient?

Whether you’re concerned about our environment or you are wanting to save some money on your electric bill, it’s a good idea to determine just how energy efficient your Des Moines home is...
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