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May 24, 2020

How Chicago Homeowners Can Maximize Storage Space

The key to keeping your home organized is to have a place for everything and to keep everything in its place, storage items included. You don’t necessarily need a larger home, you simply need to utilize the space you currently have...
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May 24, 2020

5 Tips to Give Your St. Louis Patio a Makeover

Giving your patio a makeover not only gives you additional living space, it also increases the value of your home and the value of the time spent outdoors...
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May 16, 2020

How to House Hunt Online in Des Moines

Virtual house hunting allows you to peruse multiple listings and tour prospective homes and neighborhoods from the comfort of your couch. Here are a few tips to get you started...
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May 16, 2020

Tips for Chicago Homeowners to Create an At-Home Garden

An at-home vegetable and herb garden is an easy and quick project that’ll have you enjoying the fruits (and vegetables) of your labor before you know it. Here are a few tips to get you started...
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May 16, 2020

Top Blogs to Give St. Louis Homeowners Some Design Inspiration

Do you feel as though your home's interior design is stuck in the days of decades past? You don’t have to be an interior designer to give your home a fresh new look, you just need some inspiration and creativity...
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May 10, 2020

How to Create Listing Photos That Will Help Sell Your Chicago Home

Are you looking to sell your Chicago home? With modern technology, the majority of potential buyers start their home search online perusing photos of homes in their desired area, which means good listing photos are more important than ever...
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May 10, 2020

Deep-Clean Projects for Your St. Louis Home

Daily chores are a way of life – dishes need to be done, laundry needs to be washed, meals need to be prepared. After your weekly tasks, is your home really clean though? We almost never have time to do a true deep clean, but just as a home requires weekly maintenance, it also requires a deep cleaning from time to time. Here are some projects that will help you get started...
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May 3, 2020

Maximizing Your Des Moines Yard Space

t’s springtime in Des Moines and with the warmer weather also comes the opportunity to enjoy your outdoor spaces. But if your yard is feeling underutilized or cramped, there are a few things you can do to maximize your space while also creating a comfortable and calming garden for your enjoyment. Here are a few ideas to get you started...
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May 3, 2020

How to Make Your Chicago Kitchen Feel Like New

Your kitchen is the heart of the home, a place full of creativity, laughter, great food and drinks. It’s also truly is a pleasure to cook in there, right? If your answer is a resounding no, then perhaps it’s time to give your Chicago kitchen a makeover, and why would you break the bank and spend a fortune on a remodel when there are easy fixes you can do on your own?...
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May 3, 2020

Fun Family Activities to Do at Your St. Louis Home

Do you feel like you’re stuck in a rut with your family activities? Are you running out of ideas for the family to do together? It’s understandable and sometimes unavoidable that we fall into the boredom realm. But never fear, new ideas for fun activities are here. Here are a few ideas that will have the whole family entertained...
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Apr 24, 2020

How Minimalism Can Refresh Your Chicago Home

Minimalism may seem a little extreme to some, but it’s proving to be an effective lifestyle change for those who have embraced it. Living a simple life could be the perfect distraction to the chaos of the outside world...
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Apr 24, 2020

5 Tips to Transform Your St. Louis Backyard

Spring is here and summer is right around the corner, so now is the time to transform your backyard into the oasis you’ve always dreamed about...
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