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Feb 21, 2019

Top Questions to Ask Your Chicago Real Estate Agent

If you’re preparing to buy a home in Chicago, working with a real estate agent is a smart idea. An agent can help you find the homes in the location and price range that match your needs. If you really want to get the most from your agent, there are a handful of questions that can help you maximize the relationship...
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Feb 15, 2019

Chicago Homeowners: Tips for Winter

Though the polar vortex may have moved through, we’re still in the midst of winter. While much of a homeowner’s preparation for winter will be done in the fall, there are still many things they’ll need to keep in mind throughout the season. Here are a few of the most important areas Chicago homeowners should focus on this winter...
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Feb 8, 2019

Forces That Will Impact Chicago's 2019 Real Estate Market

One can never predict exactly what the market will look like over the coming year, but local agents and other experts have some ideas about what we can expect. Rather than specific numbers and figures, let’s take a look at the forces these experts think will shape the market this year in Chicago...
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Feb 8, 2019

St. Louis: Millennials in the Market

Millennials play a key role in the real estate market, and there’s often much debate about what this demographic wants when it comes to housing. There’s the question of renting vs. buying, changing priorities, and different reasons that some cities are more appealing than others. So, how does St. Louis fit into the millennial homebuyer’s plan?
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Jan 29, 2019

What Does The St. Louis Real Estate Market Need to Succeed?

What does 2019 have in store for the St. Louis real estate market?
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