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Chicago Homeowners: What's a Personal Finance Audit — and Why You May Need One?

Dec 10, 2022 | Industry News

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A personal finance audit will help you take stock of your financial circumstances and determine if you need to make any changes. This type of audit is especially useful for those who have recently experienced a life-changing event, such as a job loss. In this article, we'll explore what a personal finance audit entails and why you may need one.


What Is a Personal Finance Audit?

A personal finance audit is essentially an in-depth review of your finances. During the audit, you will look at things like spending habits, income sources, investments, and debt – all with the goal of understanding where you stand financially and whether any changes need to be made. It's important to note that a personal finance audit is not the same as a professional financial advisor service; rather, it’s intended to help you gain insights about your own finances that can be used for future decisions.


Why You May Need a Personal Finance Audit

In some cases, it may become necessary for you to conduct an audit on your own finances in order to make sure that you're on track with your financial goals. For example, if you have recently experienced a life-changing event (such as a job loss or getting married), then it may be beneficial for you to conduct an audit so that you can adjust your budget accordingly. Additionally, if there have been significant changes in the market or tax laws since the last time you reviewed your finances, then it could also be beneficial for you to conduct an audit in order to ensure that all your investments are still performing as expected.


How To Perform a Personal Finance Audit

When conducting a personal finance audit, there are several steps that should be taken in order to ensure its accuracy and effectiveness. The first step is gathering information such as bank statements, pay stubs, and other documents related to your income and expenses; this will allow you to get an accurate picture of where money is flowing in and going out every month. The next step is creating a budget based on this information so that you can start tracking spending habits more effectively. Finally, it’s important for individuals who want to perform their own audits to stay up-to-date on current tax laws and market trends so they can make informed decisions about their investments and debts accordingly.


A personal finance audit can provide invaluable insights into how well (or how poorly) individuals are managing their money – and ultimately, whether any changes need to be made in order for them to reach their financial goals. By gathering information about income sources and expenses, creating budgeting strategies, and staying up to date on market trends, individuals can use these insights from audits to not only stay afloat during difficult times, but also to take control over their financial futures by making smart decisions about investments and debts moving forward.

If you’d like to talk more about any of this, or if there’s something else we can be of assistance with, please reach out to us. We’re always happy to help.

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