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Creating Your Perfect Patio in Chicago

May 28, 2019 | Industry News

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With the warm weather here, Chicago residents are eager to spend time outside. For homeowners, this is a great time to maximize their outdoor space. While the winter might keep us inside, the spring and summer allow us to make use of our property inside and out. If you have a patio that needs sprucing up, or you’d like to create one to enjoy this season, here are some key things to keep in mind for designing the perfect patio:

Don’t Neglect the Floor

The floor of your patio really defines the space, so it’s important to give it some thought. If you already have a stone or brick floor, a good scrub can bring back some new life. If you’re designing a new patio, the floor is a chance to be creative. Another great option is to include an outdoor rug. Your options will vary depending on how much coverage your patio gets from the elements, but there are a variety of choices for homeowners. A rug can help anchor the space and give it an additional burst of personality.

Pick Furniture Based on Use

All homeowners are different, and it’s worth taking the time to consider how you’ll use your patio before investing in furniture. Do you entertain often? Does your family enjoy having dinner out there? Is it a place you go to relax? Is there space for multiple areas? Patios can be the ideal outdoor gathering space, and they can also be a serene refuge. Think about how yours will function in your life before investing in furniture. There’s no one-size-fits-all patio, so it’s a nice way to customize your property a bit.

Add Some Textiles

If you have some coverage over your patio, including textiles like blankets and pillows can quickly add color to the space. Though you’ll likely be out there on warm summer days, evenings can cool off a bit, and it can be nice to have a blanket handy. Look online for inspiration. There are many great patios to check out, and it’s useful to have a vision in mind before you begin decorating.

Bring in Plant Life

Your patio shouldn’t feel totally separate from what’s around it. Bring some nature and outdoor elements into your design by adding some plants. A few small pots on a table or even larger pots on the floor can be a great way to blend the space with the environment. They’re also a perfect way to decorate an outdoor space where hanging artwork isn’t really an option.

Consider Lighting

If you’ll use your patio in the evenings, lighting is key. Consider strands of lights, battery-operated outdoor lights, and candles. The lighting you use will really set the tone of the space, so be intentional here. Candles and twinkle lights can create a warm and peaceful feeling are a great way to add some soft light.

Turn up the Heat

Especially if you’d like to maximize the use of your patio, you’ll want to make it comfortable for as many days of the year as you can. While nights in the depths of summer won’t require any heat, early spring and fall nights can be a bit chillier. If you’d like to extend the use of your patio to these seasons, a fire pit or fireplace can be the perfect option. It can be helpful to talk to a professional when installing fire elements to ensure everything is done safely.


If you’re a Chicago homeowner eager to enjoy the outdoors, a patio may be the perfect place to start. A good patio will feel like an additional room in your home. Even if you’re considering selling, a patio can be an attractive feature for buyers, so it’s worth giving yours some attention before you list. Do you have any other ideas to create the perfect patio space? Share them with us.

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