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Do’s and Don'ts for DIY Remodeling in St. Louis

Jul 2, 2022 | Industry News

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Summer is often the time where we find the time to do more extensive work around the house. If you’re a St. Louis homeowner who wants to tackle some DIY projects this summer, there are dozens of DIY options, both big and small. If you want to ensure success, here are some of the do’s and don’ts that can help:


Find Inspiration but Don’t Get Caught Up in Trends

Going online or checking out some design magazines can be a great start for DIYers. You can find inspiration for the types of projects you want to do, and the overall style results you want to achieve. While a quick online search might introduce you to the latest trends, it’s important to pick the things that appeal to you, not just what’s popular. You want your DIY projects to last, and trends can fade and change quickly.


Have a Clear Vision but Don’t Set Unrealistic Expectations

Once you’ve gotten your dose of inspiration, it’s time to get clear about the projects you want to complete. Listing out the materials you’ll need, for example, is a good place to start. While Pinterest can help buyers nail down their vision, it can also create some unrealistic expectations. One project might not transform your space, and that’s ok. Set your expectations for yourself ahead of time so that you’re excited about your end results, not disappointed.


Set a Budget but Don’t Skimp on Quality

What’s your budget for your DIY project? This is a question to ask early on as it should guide the rest of your process. Giving yourself a bit of a range is also a good idea so that you leave yourself some flexibility. One important thing to remember is that it’s not usually a good idea to compromise on quality for the sake of your budget. This doesn’t mean you should overspend either, though. Instead, homeowners need to shape their project around their budget and the supplies and materials they can afford.


Watch Tutorials but Understand Your Limitations

There are endless DIY tutorials online available for homeowners to learn new skills and techniques. These can be the perfect motivation to try something new, but it’s important to be realistic here. If a project is way outside of your skillset and involves major tools electrical knowledge, for example, it’s probably best to bring in the professionals for those projects if you don’t have the experience to do them yourself.


If you’d like to talk more about any of these ideas, or if we can be of assistance in another way, please reach out to us. We’re always happy to help.

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