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How Minimalism Can Refresh Your Chicago Home

Apr 24, 2020 | Industry News

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Does your home feel overcrowded? Does it feel as if the walls are closing in on you? The problem isn’t necessarily related to your square footage, it could simply be that you have too much stuff. The minimalist decorating style is dedicated to living a clean and clutter-free lifestyle while maintaining a home that still depicts your personality. Could minimalism refresh your Chicago home while freeing up some space? Here are some tips on how to get started.



What are the benefits of parting ways with your beloved stuff? Well, there are many. A cluttered and disorganized home can lead to a cluttered and disorganized mind. Minimalism cuts through the chaos and allows you to live in a clean and open space. Living a minimalist lifestyle will also allow you more time to be creative, spend time with your loved ones, or learn something new.   Do you have any idea how much money you have spent acquiring your stuff? When you only buy items that you need, you can save money for travel, an education, or early retirement. You’ll be surprised how freeing it is to purge your unnecessary items and start living freely.


How to Start

If this sounds like the right lifestyle for you, then there’s no time like the present to get started.  Take a tour of your home, wander from room to room, and take a mental inventory of all your belongings. Move any items that may not be in their proper place, for example, if you have a stack of bills on the dining table, move them into your office. If you have a pile of clean laundry on the couch, move it into your bedroom. Once all of your belongings are in their proper place, you can start the editing process.



Editing may be the most difficult part of the process if you’re one who tends to hold a lot of sentimental value towards your belongings. Hang in there and keep reminding yourself of the end goal. Take it slow, one room at a time, and allow yourself to take breaks and breathers throughout the process. Separate your keep, toss, and donate items in each room, only keeping the items that serve a purpose or are your key decorative and furnishing pieces.


Key Components            

When trying to achieve the minimalist decorating style, there are a few key components that keep your space from looking sterile, as after all, this is your home and should exude some warmth. You want to maintain a muted and understated color palette with a few pops of color throughout. Natural light is very important as well, so it’s best to stick with lighter colors to enhance the natural light and keep your space bright and cheery. Empty space is a celebrated idea in minimalism, but you’ll want to have interesting and personal focal points in your rooms to achieve a visual balance. Keep shelves and counters decluttered – your flat surfaces should be smooth and clean. That isn’t to say that your shelves and counters should be completely devoid of any décor, but just use an editing eye when choosing what you would like to display. Your decorative elements should be accents, not overwhelm your space. Minimalism also doesn’t mean plain white walls and furniture, feel free to use textures, color and plants as additional accents. 



Minimalism may seem a little extreme to some, but it’s proving to be an effective lifestyle change for those who have embraced it. Living a simple life could be the perfect distraction to the chaos of the outside world. What are your thoughts on a minimalist lifestyle?

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