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Selling in Chicago: Should You Stage?

Jun 14, 2019 | Industry News

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When thinking about selling your home, many sellers encounter the question of staging. While every seller needs to consider things like budget and time frame, staging can often be a way to achieve your desired results. By bringing in professional assistance, you can transform your home to appeal to a wide variety of buyers, boosting your chances of a sale. If you’re ready to sell and thinking about staging, here are some things to consider:


Ambiance is one of those intangible things that can be challenging to create, but it can have a significant impression of prospective buyers. You’re likely used to your house as your own, and that can make it difficult to see it from an outsider’s perspective. Stagers can come in with an objective eye and help create an inviting ambiance.


Our homes tend to be set up around our personal lifestyles. Maybe you have extra bedrooms that have become storage spaces, or maybe there’s a dining room you never use. Whatever the case, staging can help to give all the spaces in your home purpose. This can quickly help to increase perceived value. Rather than seeing a storage room, you want prospective buyers to see an additional bedroom or a great office space. Even if it’s not exactly how they would use the room, highlighting its functionality is key.


Staging is a great way to decrease some of the personal influence that can make it challenging for prospective buyers to envision themselves in the space. While you may love your furniture, it might not be everyone’s taste. And although buyers probably aren’t buying the furniture with the home, it still impacts their impression when they view it. The same goes for family photos and other personal touches. A few of these can give the home some warmth, but there’s a delicate balance. Stagers know how to bring in pieces that appeal to a wide variety of buyers and make the home feel like more of a blank canvas.


The National Association of Realtors found that for every $100 invested in staging, the potential return is $400. While this certainly isn’t a guarantee for every seller, it’s worth considering. If you have the budget to invest in some staging, it could help you get a better price for your home and help you to sell it faster.


Chicago homeowners preparing to sell may want to consider staging. It offers some unique benefits that can help you get a better price in a shorter time frame. Staging doesn’t have to be a huge investment. Whether you get help filling an empty room or decide to do your whole home, there are options out there for a variety of sellers. What are your thoughts on staging?

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