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What You Should Be Looking for in a St. Louis Loan Officer

Jul 5, 2021 | Industry News

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The first consideration when you decide to buy a home should be finding out which loans you qualify for. And, the best way to do that is to find a top-notch loan officer to work with. For many of us, taking out a mortgage is the biggest financial decision and commitment in our lives, so you want to ensure you work with someone you can trust. Asking friends and family for a referral is always the number-one way to find someone trustworthy. Otherwise, a web search will allow you to do some research and find a local professional. Here are a few tips for St. Louis homebuyers to set themselves up for success:


Work With an Expert

Making the right decision on a loan officer is absolutely necessary. As I mentioned above, start by asking friends and family for recommendations. This means you have a real-world connection to that person. In many cases, you can also find out specifics on how the loan process went from start to finish. Even with a referral, you should do some additional research online—read reviews and testimonials, and make sure the candidate has a professional up-to-date web presence. Whoever you decide to work with should have information on every different loan option available, and most importantly, which option is right for you.  They should be asking you detailed questions about your specific situation. Trust and confidence in your loan officerØ…—from the beginning— will ensure the process goes smoothly.


Make Sure They Communicate

If you’ve been through the mortgage process before, you’ll already have some idea of what you’re looking for. If this is your first time, you’re bound to have dozens of questions.  You want to be partnered with someone who has answers to all your question and can clarify what you should expect at every turn. Avoid someone who comes off as rushed or brushes off your questions or concerns. You can’t ask too many questions, and your loan officer should never make you feel like you’re being a nuisance.


Don’t Feel Obligated

At any point in the transaction, if you lose confidence in the loan officer or the process becomes unpleasant, find someone else. Your loan officer should demonstrate appreciation for the opportunity to work with you, and they should work very hard to communicate that gratitude. Your calls should be returned in a timely manner, and your emails should be replied to within 24 hours. Expecting your loan officer to be professional and courteous at all times is something you should insist on.


If you’d like more information on finding the right loan officer, or if you’d like to see what loans you pre-qualify for, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’d be happy to tell you about our company and what makes us the best choice to work with locally.

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